Promote your local events

Together with your Account Manager, GI Sportz Direct’s graphics and marketing professionals can assist you in promoting Special Events at your site. Big Games, recreational Scenarios, local tournaments, Pro League “feeder events” events and special Retail Store celebrations can achieve far greater attendance and deliver much higher cash inflow with the right promotions to maximize attendance.

The imaginative staff at GI Sportz Direct can foster limitless ideas to turn your business into a vital, must-attend destination for every ‘baller in the region. When was the last time your business celebrated its Anniversary? When was your last “Bring Two Newbies!” day? Imagine an April 15th “Tax-Day Rebellion” celebration, or a giant “Bob Gurnsey’s Birthday Fest” (Paintball’s inventor) at your site! Your close relationship and loyal purchasing through your GI Sportz Account Manager can become an endless wellspring of calendar-filling sales opportunities. Imagine a massively advertised Truckload Sale at your facility, or an on-field competition between your area’s two biggest Radio DJ rivals – and their own audiences – playing against each other for bragging rights! All of these events are examples of the legacy of the GI Sportz team.

As an authorized GI Sportz Direct Dealer, begin working together with your Account Manager today to set sales goals to qualify for your own unforgettable special events, and make plans to benefit from the limitless combination of your imaginations!
